SHACC logo

The Shropshire Alternative Car Club was originally formed as a focus for kit car enthusiasts in the county but, as the name implies, it was quickly extended to welcome vintage and classic enthusiasts,  those with factory built "alternative" cars, or in fact anyone with an interest in cars. The club is run on informal lines - it has no constitution, no subscriptions, no committees - but has a programme of meetings and a regular newsletter.  Apart from an interest in cars the only qualification to join the group is an email address.

 If you would like to join, the records are kept by:

Yoland Brown
Brownhill House
Ruyton XI Towns
Near Shrewsbury SY4 1LR
Phone 01939 261 121

Here she is in the Birkin S3

For a copy of the latest club newsletter  yoland@shacc-ukorg


ShACC Chat meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday in the month  from 7.00,  check the list below for venue. Most people have dinner when we meet at the Bradford Arms.

4         ShACC at the Bradford Arms, Knockin
9         MG and Triumph Spares Day, Stoneleigh International Centre
15       REVS at Leaton Church
16       Geoff Taylor Sporting Trial at the Apley Estate
21-23  Race Retro at Stoneleigh Park

4          ShACC at the Bradford Arms, Knockin
9           Jon MacKenzie Autotest at Curborough
16         AGBO Rally Stages at Weston Park
21-23   Classic and Restoration Show at the NEC

1           ShACC  at the Bradford Arms, Knockin

Yoland usually has more details of the events listed

Participation in any club activity is entirely at your own risk and you are responsible for any injury or damage caused to people or their property.

 inaugural meeting
christmas  run
Some of those who came to the inaugural meeting in June 2002

Christmas run 2024


Members Photo Gallery


ShACC Past Events


Useful Contacts

Championships Clubs Collected information Shows Magazines
ShACC Members

Parts  Picnic sites 


The inclusion of these links in no way implies that the services or products are endorsed by ShACC or the site owner

You can advertise your business here for £25 per year
